We, as parents are told even before the birth of our child how important reading is to young developing minds. Then after they are born we spend countless hours reading, rocking and cradling little ones in our laps as bright eyes wander from cardboard page to page. As they get a little older, chewed up books turn into bedtime stories lulling little dreamers off to sleep. Another couple short years later those same bright eyed babies are slowly pronouncing their first words and stringing together sentences. Before we know it we are fighting drooping eyelids as our children are proudly reading bedtime stories to us. And then, if we are lucky to have instilled such a love of reading in our children we will catch them with flashlights in books under dark bed sheets long past our 'lights out time' rules.

Maybe you are nodding in agreement by now or maybe you are thinking No Way! Not my kids. There are plenty of other ways to foster a love of reading in your children such as introducing your kids to graphic novels. Graphic novels, much like comic books use images to tell a very specific story that appeals to both young children through adults. Graphic novels can be humerus, entertaining, serious or all of the above. For older children they can take on very serious topics or help teach.
Whether your children love to read or not, the many kid- friendly bookstores here in the Hudson Valley can provide a warm, cozy retreat this winter. Offering a quiet place for adults and fun things for children. Below are 3 local favorites but be sure to click through to read the full list of bookstores in the Hudson Valley.
Oblong Books and Music- With two locations both in Rhinebeck and Millerton, the "Oblong Junior" section invites children to discover a love of reading, learning and play. In addition to a wide selection of books, Oblong Books sells a variety of unique toys and gifts and offers children's events as well as book signing and author events for children and adults.
Ye Olde Warwick Book Shoppe- With a relatively new expanded children's section and an old- time feel. Stepping into the Ye Old Book Shoppe feels like stepping into a story book. Children can easily pick out a new book, educational item or toy they will love.
Inquiring Minds- Two locations both with comfy sofas inviting your family to stay a while. At the Saugerties location, children are entertained with trains and toys while in New Paltz a little alcove provides a cozy spot just for them. Both Locations offer cafe, tables and wonderful selection of books.
Other local book stores include:
Merritt Books, Millbrook
The Book Cove, Pawling
Barner Books, New Paltz
The Golden Notebook, Woodstock
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