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NYS DCP urges the federal government to recall a toy

Speed Striker Toy contains high lead levels that are dangerous to children

NYS DCP urges the federal government to recall a toy

The New York Department of State’s Division of Consumer Protection (DCP) urges the Federal government to issue a recall of the Striker Remote Control Car toy, and for Five Below stores to remove the toy from its shelves immediately. Research and testing found the bottom of this toy car contains 2.5 times the allowable paint and surface coating lead level established by the federal Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The Division is also seeking to warn holiday shopping consumers about the health hazards the lead paint found on the Striker Remote Control Car presents to children.

“During this holiday shopping season, we need to make sure the toys we are buying our children are safe,” said New York State Secretary of State Robert Rodriguez. “This toy poses a hazardous risk to our kids and should not be on store shelves. I urge Five Below to voluntarily pull the item from its shelves and the federal government to immediately take steps necessary to issue a recall of this product.” 

The DCP conducts product research and testing and enforces New York’s Children’s Product Safety and Recall Effectiveness Act. Product testing found the Speed Striker Remote Control Car contains a 230 parts per million (ppm) total lead content in the white coating on the code and print on the bottom of the car. This lead level is 155% above the federal CPSIA limit of 90 ppm for the presence of total lead content in paints and surface coatings, in violation of CPSIA Section 101 & 16 CFR 1303.

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The toy Speed Striker Remote Control Car was purchased at Five Below and is distributed by 1616 Holdings, Inc.

The DCP contacted the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to request a national recall of the Speed Striker Remote Control Car containing lead and asked Five Below to remove the toy from its shelves and discontinue its sale. The DCP also contacted the distributor 1616 Holdings Inc. requesting it cease the distribution and sale of the Speed Striker Remote Control Car in New York State and nationwide.

If anyone has the Speed Striker Remote Control Car at home, they can dispose of it by simply throwing it in the garbage, or they can choose to set it aside in a safe area and await any future recall instructions, which may or may not include a refund component.

Hazards in children’s products are often latent and unfortunately not known until someone is hurt. Accordingly, the DCP urges consumers to follow simple safety tips when shopping to best ensure the toys purchased are safe for children:

  • Always purchase age-appropriate toys.
  • Read labels carefully and take note of all warnings.
  • Keep toys in good condition and dispose of broken toys or repair them right away.
  • Make sure any fabric toys are labeled as flame-resistant or flame-retardant.

Lead is a chemical substance often used in production of painted toys, furniture, and toy jewelry; cosmetics; food or liquid containers; and plumbing materials.[1] According to the New York State Department of Health, lead is a metal that can harm children when it gets into their bodies. Lead can harm a young child’s growth, behavior, and ability to learn. It can also cause anemia, kidney damage and hearing loss. [2] The Speed Striker Remote Control Car contained 230 ppm of lead, well above the federal limit of 90 ppm. (for more information on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention, please click here).

Consumers who identify a recalled product in the marketplace, or require more information about toy safety and recalls, are urged to call the Consumer Assistance Hotline: 1-800-697-1220. Consumer complaints can be filed at any time at The Division can also be reached via Twitter at @NYSConsumer or Facebook at

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