Early Education

  • Nurturing this trait could bolster kids' confidence

    The unexpected benefits of creativity

    Creative expression not only helps children convey their thoughts and feelings, but it also helps build the self-esteem and resilience needed to navigate life’s complexities. Creativity can even serve as a powerful catalyst for educational, emotional and cognitive growth. read more »
  • Essential skills for children to develop in preschool

    The skills young children need for success in elementary school and beyond are developed during the first five years of life. For families, selecting the right preschool with thoroughly trained faculty and a curriculum designed to nurture foundational academic, social, emotional, and physical skills is critical to extending learning to home. read more »
  • What you (and your child) should know for kindergarten

    6 habits to start right now

    Starting kindergarten is a major milestone that sets the stage for future learning. Ensuring children are well-equipped to enter kindergarten sets them up for a successful school year in the short term and an academic career in the long term. read more »
  • Safe sharps disposal

    Keeping students healthy at school

    Back to school can be overwhelming for students and families. With new classes, new friends and sometimes new schools, students have a lot to balance. Additionally, changing routine can be challenging for students managing health conditions, including allergies, diabetes and others that require using and safely disposing of needles, syringes, or epinephrine autoinjectors at school. read more »
  • EQuip Our Kids! Launches EQuip Kids+

    EQ and social-emotional learning skills for kids and parents

    A new free streaming service teaches kids and parents EQ and social-emotional learning skills for happier lives. read more »
  • Start the school year strong and prevent illness in children

    Keep your kids healthy, active and ready to learn

    The excitement of a new school year unfolds each year when families flood the superstore aisles to buy classroom supplies, tape afterschool schedules on the fridge, and organize carpools with friends. read more »