
  • Shop local businesses this holiday season

    Support your community and visit these local shops for your holiday purchases

    HV Parent has put together a list of local businesses with their top gift recommendations for kids. read more »
  • Backyard fun

    Fun things to do with your kids without leaving home

    Fun for the whole family with camping in the backyard, activities for kids, even how to capture those special moments in pictures read more »
  • Conquer Extreme Obstacles at Bounce!

    So many ways to tire out the kids this week

    Pent up energy in the kids can have you crawling out of your skin this summer. Rainy days? Need a break from the heat? Take them to Bounce! where kids (big ones too, mom & dad!) can run, jump and play hard. read more »
  • The Castle Fun Center

    Exciting family fun in Orange County, NY

    Spend a day disconnected from technology and racing, bumping, jumping and riding your way through all of the fun at The Castle. read more »
  • Life Lessons with Little People IV

    wise words from little ones in the hudson valley

    kids in the hudson valley share wise words with adults read more »
  • Stony Kill Farm

    Discover, enjoy, spend the day!

    Farm animals, beautiful hiking trails & gardens galore! read more »