Toddler Safety Tips
How to keep your little one from getting injured
As young children get older, they start to crawl and walk around the home. Parents can guard against possible dangers by conducting a home safety evaluation from the child's point of view. The National Safety Council recommends that parents look at each room from their child's eye level and use the following tips to make homes safer for young children:
- Young children need constant supervision, especially around water
- Install baby gates at the tops and bottoms of stairs.
- Install child safety locks on cabinets to safely store chemicals, cleaners, medicines, cosmetics, and other toxic and/or caustic products.
- Purchase cleaners, household chemicals, medications and other potentially hazardous products with child resistant packaging.
- Post the national Poison Control Hotline (1-800-222-1222) and other emergency numbers next to every phone.
- Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home and near sleeping areas.
- Install toilet seat locks; turn over all buckets and store them up high, where they cannot collect standing water or be reached by children.
- Test faucet water at the tap and adjust water heater to 120ºF or below.
- If your home has a pool, surround it on all sides with installed fencing and a self-latching gate.
- Never leave a child unattended near standing water, even for a moment.
- Locate cribs, beds, chairs and other furniture away from windows.
- Install window locks or safety guards on above-ground windows. Be sure they have a quick-release mechanism in case of fire.
- Keep window treatment cords and sashes tied and stored up high overhead; purchase new mini-blinds that meet safety standards.
- Store matches, lighters, candles and other fire tools out of children's sight and reach, preferably in a locked cabinet.
For more information about resources to help you learn more and stay safe in and around your home, including creating a personalized checklist for your family, please visit the National Safety Council.
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