Recently, I unexpectedly met up with some old friends I have not seen in
long while. We were all anxious to arrive at the Paramount Theatre in
Middletown to listen to Dr. Temple Grandin speak about her new book, “The
Autistic Brain: Thinking Across The Spectrum.” The evening was made possible by
The Autism Society of The Hudson Valley and CUNY Orange.
is Dr. Temple Grandin?

For those of you who are not familiar with Dr. Grandin, she is one of
the most knowledgeable and memorable people living with Autistic Spectrum
Despite her many difficulties, she has been able to pursue an
education and a career. She attributes her success to the persistence of her
mother and the mentors who have coached her.
Over the years she has written
several books and has traveled around the country educating her audience about
her life as a person with high-functioning autism.
And she certainly has made an
impact. I myself have seen her in person twice since my son was first diagnosed
with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) some 14 years ago.
About two hours before Grandin’s presentation, I got a text from a friend
that people were already lining up outside the theatre. I dropped everything at
home and rushed to get to Middletown. To my surprise, I still had to park on
what seemed the other side of the moon and walk quite a few desolate and dark blocks
to arrive at the theatre, just in time to find the last spot in this lot that
holds approximately 1,100 people.
the record, over the years I have attended various worthwhile performances at
the Paramount Theatre and have never seen the place filled to capacity.
Both parents and educators traveled from all over the region for
inspiration. Also in attendance were
individuals of various ages living with ASD.
Dr. Grandin walked onto the stage to a thunderous
applause, as if she was a famous rock star. She spoke before a very
enthusiastic crowd for 1.5 hours. She allowed for a question and answer session,
and there was an opportunity for book signing afterwards.
One of the highlights of her presentation was the concept that different
kinds of minds contribute to society.
Dr. Grandin suggests there is a huge spectrum of autism diagnoses, but
regardless of the labels, which are not precise, we need to place more emphasis
on the strengths and talents a person with autism may possess than the label
“We are too hung up on labels,” she says. “We concentrate too much on
someone’s deficits and need to refocus and work with individual strengths.”
She stresses the importance of early intervention programs for younger
children and the need for older children to be redirected, challenged and
“Go with what you’re good at,” she advised the crowd. “Don’t be afraid to go on a job interview show
to people your work.”
The Inspiration
Heather Rajnert is a long-time autism parent friend of mine, had this to say: “You know I took my
entire family — Peter (aged 19), Sean (aged 15) and Matt (aged 13). They are all
on the spectrum. And my Adeline (11) came as well. All the boys took away the exact same thought
I did: It's important to encourage passions and create portfolios of work. Even
through struggles, anything is possible with perseverance, the right training,
hard work and hope.”
Alison Bimbo, a mother
from Middletown, had this to say: “My son is Alex and he is 8 years old. We live in
Middletown. I experienced a awesome feeling listening to Temple Grandin. Her stance
on enhancing kids’ passions and skills is right on. She is a very positive
inspiration for a mom like me. She gives me hope Alex can one day change the
world as she did.”
Dr. Grandin Speaks
With Me

After the lecture and
book signing were over, I approached Dr. Grandin with my book in hand, hoping
she would give me a moment of her time for this article.
I spent the weekend
before devouring her latest work and there was so much I wanted to learn from that
fantastic autistic brain of hers.
I showed her a picture
of my now 15-year-old boy and asked her what advice she might give a
parent like me — someone with a teenager on the lower functioning end of the
spectrum, with seemingly unreachable talents and communication skills.
“Put him to work, keep trying … and never give
up,” she said as we took a quick picture and she autographed the book for my
I thanked her and as I turned away she said, “Different kinds of minds
Everyone had long since
gone as I walked the long, cold and lonely way back to my car. There was so
much to think about and many thoughts raced through my mind.
Then it hit me
fiercely like the biting cold we’ve had this winter — life offers an enormous
opportunity for growth and maturity for each of us.
Several years ago, when
I heard Grandin speak as an adult with ASD, she needed frequent breaks and an intermission.
Fast forward to the Paramount Theater. Grandin was witty, knowledgeable and
passionate. This time she spoke non-stop for 1.5 hours. She was engaging and
compassionate. There were questions and answers which she handled gracefully. What
an unimaginable unexpected inspiration to us all.