
Tips for Surviving the Great American Summer Road Trip

Hey, hey, easy kids. Everybody in the car. Boat leaves in two minutes… or perhaps you don’t want to see the second largest ball of twine on the face of the earth, which is only four short hours away? - Clark W. Griswold

Now Wally World may be closed and perhaps visiting the second largest ball of twine on earth doesn’t peak your family’s interest. However there is still plenty of adventure to be had this summer by planning a great road trip. So after you’ve finished mapping out your points of interest, be sure to follow these helpful tips to ensure your car is ready for making an extended trip this summer vacation.

Pre-trip Prevention:
If you’re like me, I’ll pop the hood of the car and have a look around. However in reality I have no idea what I’m doing at or what I should be checking. Which is why it’s an excellent idea to have someone who does know what they’re doing inspect your car. So have a mechanic perform a check at least 2 weeks before the trip. This gives you time to find any problems and have them fixed.

What to check before your trip:
If you’re good with cars or feeling bold, make sure these items have been checked…

You’re going on a long summer trip probably with the family; it should go without saying this is the first item to check in order to keep your sanity!

The most important thing about driving is seeing where you’re going. Make sure the tools that help you do that are all in good working order.

Just because they aren’t yet making a screeching sound doesn’t mean there’s nothing to worry about. Make sure your mechanic has given them a thorough check.

Air Filter:
The summer heat will be taxing enough on your engine. A clean air filter will keep dirt and particles out and help improve your gas mileage.

Spare Tire:
You know it’s in the trunk somewhere, but when did you last actually look at it? Make sure it’s really there! And if it is, ensure it’s properly inflated.

What to bring on your trip:
Your AAA card:
Many people claim it’s the best $50 they’ve ever spent. Break down or get a flat on the highway and you’ll soon find out why.

Emergency Roadside Kit:
Contains items like jumper cables, flashlight, multipurpose tools and blanket. You can pick one up at most auto parts stores.

Help keep your summer road trip on schedule by following the pointers above. The last thing you need when taking the whole tribe cross-country is your own version of the Wagon Queen Family Truckster!

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