Summer Reading Lists Celebrate New York History

Check out these books for summer reading, as chosen by the New York State Library Association

If your kids need some encouragement to read this summer, call your kids over and watch this video

Videos were sent in from around the country, and each state had a winner.  This video, created by a Nyack teen, is the New York State winner.  (Read on for more about the director behind the video).  

Now that you are ready to read, or are ready to bring the kids to the library, we've provided the list of summer reading books to check out! 

Your children can go back in time and learn about the early New York State settlers, the life of a child from the Mohawk tribe, the history of Niagara Fall's "Maiden of the Mist" folk tale, and a child's view of "uptown," an affectionate term for a neighborhood in New York City.  The New York State Library, in partnership with the New York Library Association’s Youth Services Section and School Library Media Section, has just released their summer reading list that celebrates the history, culture, and diversity of New York State.

Librarians who work with children and teens in both public libraries and school libraries across the State collaborated to select age-appropriate titles for recreational reading. The four lists are designed for reading enjoyment, to provide a “flavor” of New York, and spark an interest in the fascinating story of New York State. 

Picture Books

Elementary Books

Tween books

Teen and older books

Through out the summer, look for videos from publisher, Terrie Goldstein, on some of her favorites.  

About Lucas Ruderman, the director

Nyack librarian Elizabeth Hobson knew Lucas from an Entrepreneur program the library offered last winter.  "I wasn't aware," she says, "of his interest in videography.  I posted the flyer [announcing the contest] in our Teen Room and acted on it umprompted by me! When I first saw Lucas' video, I was blown away.  I absolutely loved his take on 'You Are Here.'  Truly, our kids have an awful lot going on in their lives and to show them the advantages of slowing down and taking the time to read in such a simple but profound way.  It took my breath away.  Lucas clearly has a voice and I really look forward to seeing more of him!"

We thank Elizabeth for providing her comments on this terrific video, and wish our winner, Lucas, a hearty congratulations!