Looking for fun ways to fill your long summer days? Already hearing "I'm Bored!"? Don't miss our 'Summer Fun Days'!
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Summer Fun Day #8: Sign up for Summer Reading Fun
“Hey, everybody get ready to run, Let’s race to the library, just for fun! We’ll be sure to take the lead, When we’ve got a book to read!” -Steve Blunt

It's free, it's fun, and it helps kids stay sharp all summer long. Stop by your local library and register for the summer reading program!
This year the Collaborative Summer Library Program has announced their 2016 theme, “On Your Mark, Get Set… READ!” and Hudson Valley libraries are running away with the theme offering incentives, crafts, events and more!
Children and families will begin to visit their public libraries this week, register and pick out books. In 2015, according to the New York State Education Department, 1.99 million children and teens participated in the summer reading program at their local libraries. Want to trick your kids into learning math this summer? Try these 21 simple ways to add math to summer vacation fun!
Participating in a summer reading program not only motivates children to read but also develops positive attitudes about reading. More than just books, library summer reading programs often expose children to a variety of experiences that stimulates their sense of discovery. And finally, encouraging summer reading help maintain reading abilities throughout summer vacation! The experts have talked to us about preventing summer brain drain before, here.

Libraries are great, free ways to keep children busy and entertained this summer with an educational twist. The Newburgh Library has music, animal shows, fitness challenges, movies and much more planned. The Blodgett Memorial Library is kicking off with a Mad Science party and the Elting Memorial Library will have special story times, performances and even Macaroni the Clown this week! Check our online calendar or your town library’s website for more information.
Share your fun by posting and tagging us on social media! Use hashtag #HVPsummer and tag @hudsonvalleyparent on Facebook or {@HVParent} on Twitter or Instagram and we may share your photos with our followers too!
Pamela is the Community Liaison at Hudson Valley Parent. She resides in Dutchess County with her husband and two boys and enjoys crossing things off their bucket list each summer.

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