Looking for fun ways to fill your long summer days? Already hearing "I'm Bored!"? Go sailing!
numerous ways to turn a trip on the river into an educational
experience for the whole family. The Public Canoe Program offers free
canoe trips led by DEC naturalists in North Tivoli Bay and other
Hudson River estuaries throughout the summer.
program is open to anyone 6 years old and up, and reservations must
be made in advance. Call 845-889-4745, x106 for more info and visit
dec.ny.gov for a schedule.
legendary sloop Clearwater, a floating environmental classroom, also
offers educational public sails throughout the summer in addition to
its many area appearances; click here more information.
at the Beacon Sloop Club, the sloop Woody Guthrie makes free sails
during weeknights in the summer; visit beaconsloopclub.org to
learn more.
one of the best ways for kids to learn about the river is to learn
how to sail it; the Beacon Sloop Club runs sailing classes throughout
the spring and the Ophira out of Saugerties runs a Youth Sailing
School that includes a “Little Puffs” program for 8-11 year olds.

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