Outside Time and Exercise
We are taking it back to the good ‘ole days this summer and spending our time OUTSIDE. This means that no matter what the weather, you must spend at least ____ hours outdoors being active. A few ideas include:
- Ride bikes
- Blow bubbles
- Play tag or hide and seek
- Watch the clouds
- Hold a scavenger hunt
- Make mud pies
- For 17 more screen-free activities click, here.
A few ideas for outdoor family time include:
Video Games and Electronics
Video games and IPad games can be played only after you have had some form of outside time or exercise. You may play games for ____ hours a day and any temper tantrums when time is up will result in you lose the games for ___ days. You can only regain the time by making something nice for another person.
Reading and Summer Work
School is out and you deserve a break but brain drain is real and it’s not happening to you this summer! You will spend at least ______ minutes reading every day. You must also complete ____ worksheets from your summer workbooks each week.
Bath time
Get as wet, muddy and sandy as you’d like outside this summer. I will be supportive of your messes and will provide clean clothes and towels. You will in turn take a bath every night without a fight BEFORE any nighttime television watching.
You may watch television shows for _____ hours a day and movies during family time. Any arguments over the TV and you will lose that privilege for ___ days. You will get TV time back after helping with a chore around the house of mom/ dads choosing.
You must go to sleep every night, there will be no eye rolling, whining or tantrums when it is bedtime. Unless we are up late for a special reason your bedtime will be at _______ o’clock.
Also remember there will be no hitting, kicking, biting or spitting. Play nicely together and with friends. Do not be bossy or ignore any friends. Always remember to be kind.
Cuddle with your parents and grandparents, make lots of memories. We will cross as much as we can off of our Summer Bucket Checklist, laugh until your belly hurts, be adventurous, have impulsive dance parties and try to make your own fun.
Let’s have our best summer ever!
Signed: ____________________________________ Signed: ____________________________________
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Pamela is the Community Liaison at Hudson Valley Parent. She resides in Dutchess County with her husband and two boys and enjoys crossing things off their bucket list each summer.