Adolescence is a notoriously complicated time for kids as
well as their parents. Plus, the epidemic of mental health disorders in young
people has made parenting today even more challenging. But it’s not too late.
Parents of adolescents can still have a profound impact on the health and
well-being of their children.
In these times of great stress for kids, resilience is not a given. The epidemic of mental health disorders in adolescents has made parenting even more challenging, but parents can still have an enormous impact on the health and well-being of their child.
Parenting expert Erica Komisar (pictured left) knows the struggles many
parents face as their children enter adolescence and has written a new book as
a reference for anyone struggling to find answers. According to Komisar,
“Although the first three years are critical to the social emotional
development of children and their ability to cope with adversity, the good news
is that parents have another opportunity in adolescence, due to right brain
development, to have a great impact on their child’s ability to regulate their
emotions and build resilience.”
Chicken Little the Sky Isn’t Falling (coming October 5) is a
comprehensive guide that offers the tools you need as a parent to navigate
tumultuous times and create a continuous, deep connection with your child.
Covering topics such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, behavioral issues and
addiction, to name just a few, it will help readers learn how to help prevent,
recognize and address mental health disorders. Komisar offers compassionate and
practical advice to parents on how to help their children with these issues if
they occur.
LEARN MORE: Tips for teaching kids mindfulness
The book includes important information about navigating
academic and social pressure, social media and technology usage, increased
social isolation, and family pressures. With Komisar’s guidance and support,
parents will learn how to be beacons of hope and change, as well as how to
raise emotionally healthy, resilient adolescents.
Erica Komisar, LCSW, is a clinical social worker, psychoanalyst
and parent guidance expert who has been in private practice in New York City
for over 30 years. As a psychological consultant, she brings parenting
workshops to schools, clinics, corporations and childcare settings. She is also
a contributing editor to the Institute for Family Studies. She is a frequent
contributor to The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, The Washington
Post and The Huffington Post. Erica lives in New York City with her husband and
is the mother of three adolescent children.
Visit her website at: