By now
you may have heard: on Monday, April 8th just after 3 PM, a total solar eclipse will be passing through
about one third of NYS, from the southwest corner near the PA border through to
the northeast corner up by VT & Quebec.
While this total solar eclipse
travels over NYS, the entire state will be able to see at least 88% of a partial
eclipse: Albany is 96%, Catskills between 90-95%, NYC 89%, and Montauk 88%. Fun Facts: Last total
solar eclipse in NYS was in 1925 and the next ones are expected in 2079 and
The eclipse will
begin shortly after 2 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Full totality, or as close to
it, will begin about 3:20 PM. Locations in the path of totality could
experience total darkness for up to 4 minutes. Check out the NASA Map of percentage of the eclipse.
For safety tips,
check out I Love New York’s Eclipse website. DEC will
also be posting eclipse information on Facebook and Instagram leading up to April 8th.
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