NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Hunting and trapping seasons are beginning to open
throughout New York State. These activities are enjoyed by many as forms of
recreation and a means of providing for their families. These activities can
also benefit forest ecosystems by helping to maintain healthy animal
populations while reducing nuisance wildlife issues and, in some cases,
decreasing the transmission of wildlife diseases. Whether you are a hunter,
trapper, or just enjoy getting outdoors in the fall, learning how to share
public lands with other users will help keep you and fellow visitors safe.
Recreationists and hunters alike have a responsibility to keep
each other safe during hunting seasons. Hikers and bikers are advised to dress
in bright colors such as hunter orange, put bright colors and bells on pets and
equipment like backpacks, bikes, and walking sticks, and keep pets leashed to
discourage them from roaming.

Horseback riders should dress horses in hunter
orange and wear hunter orange while riding. Stay on or close to trails and give
hunters space. Don’t attempt to scare game, sabotage a hunt, or tamper with
traps, and never harass hunters or trappers. Not only is it disrespectful, it’s
illegal. Be aware that you might encounter hunters carrying firearms, bows, or
crossbows on trails or in camping areas.

Hunting and trapping are legal activities that are critically
important for wildlife management. Additionally, the sale of hunting licenses
and gear funds important wildlife research and surveys, and the acquisition and
maintenance of many of the public lands we all enjoy. So please, be respectful
of hunters, trappers, and all other State land users. Visit DEC’s website for
more safety tips before heading into the woods this hunting and
trapping season.