Have you ever given thought to securing your home with an alarm system, only to dismiss it as impractical? Well, here is a list of common misunderstandings, and what you need to know about them.
Have you ever given thought to securing your home with an alarm system, only to dismiss it as impractical? Well, here is a list of common misunderstandings, and what you need to know about them.
1. A home security system will cost me a bundle. It may if you don't do your research first, but it doesn't have to. Compare different companies and the systems they offer, and you will soon find many affordable options, especially in the area of self-installed systems. Many of these systems require minimal investment of time and money, and can even decrease your homeowner's premium.
2. Alarm systems require a service contract. A common misunderstanding, and most likely the result of the prominent advertising by companies that do require contracts. However, securing your home can be as simple as purchasing a system, installing it, and letting it do its job ? without committing yourself to a service contract.
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3. Systems must be professionally installed. Installation is a matter of simple wiring and basic programming skills, and can be done by most homeowners, especially those with a "do it yourself" mindset.
4. Alarm System Monitoring is costly. Should you decide to have your alarm system monitored, affordable options are readily available. SafeMart.com offers alarm system monitoring for only $9 per month, with no contract required.
5. My pet will cause false alarms. Alarm system manufacturers know that almost 70% of US homes have one or more pets, and they design their systems accordingly. Motion detectors with pet-immunity are just one example of how alarm systems can be effective while accommodating pet owners.
6. My home isn't a target for intrusion. Perhaps you live in the country and are always home. Or for some other reason you believe you don't need home security or safety products. Firstly, consider that burglars are simply looking for unprotected valuables, not a nice urban setting. Secondly, burglary is not the only consideration. Home safety products such as smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are critical for any home.
7. Hardwiring an existing home is impossible. Running wires in an existing home is possible. There is duct cover that you can use to hide wire runs, or you can run it above or below the areas you are looking to secure.
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8. Wireless alarms are unreliable. Another common misunderstanding. While it may have been true in the past, advancements in technology have made wireless alarm systems a very stable and reliable option. For example, unique radio signals are now used with wireless systems to remedy the problem of frequency interference.
9. Programming is complicated. If you can program a VCR or operate a computer, you can program an alarm system. Like anything that is new, there is a slight learning curve to overcome, but the documentation that is included with every panel is written in a way that is easy to understand.
10. Intruders can easily disable the alarm. Hardwired systems are always a good choice if you are concerned about intruders disabling your alarm system. But this doesn't mean that wireless is a bad choice. With the use of wireless keypads and keychain remotes, you can place your wireless alarm system in a secured area of your home and still have convenient access points to arm and disarm your system.
Now that the obstacles have been removed, get the peace of mind and security you wan!