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It’s fishing season!

Help protect NY's waters from invasive species

Help protect NY's waters from invasive species

This fishing season, you can help protect our waters from aquatic invasive species (AIS). AIS can outcompete native species, damage economies and ecosystems, and negatively impact recreation. Here’s what you can do:

Clean, Drain, Dry fishing equipment. Before moving to a new location and after you’ve finished fishing:

  • Clean plants and mud off of fishing gear, boots, and waders, and then put the debris in the trash. Consider using rubber boots with studs rather than felt-soled waders, which can be difficult to clean.
  • Drain water from gear and bait buckets onto land. If keeping bait, drain the water and replace it with spring water or dechlorinated tap water.
  • Dry your equipment with a towel or let it air dry.If possible, disinfect equipment using hot water (at 140°F for 30 seconds).

Use bait responsibly. Properly using and disposing of bait can prevent the spread of diseases and AIS. Purchase certified bait to make sure it’s disease-free. After fishing, dispose of unused bait in the trash rather than throwing it into a water body.

Report sightings of AIS. If you find AIS while fishing, report it to iMapInvasives, New York’s invasive species database. Visit DEC’s Aquatic Invasives Species webpage to learn more about AIS what the various plants and animals look like.

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