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Get Creative Outside With Shadow Art

Sunny Day Fun With Dinosaurs

It's nice to see the sun finally making an appearance this summer, but my nemesis humidity has also arrived. I don't mind sweating, but it's the swampy feeling I get while simply walking to my car that I can live without. And maybe the hair frizz. Despite those issues, we try to get outside even on really hot days. A nice run through the sprinklers helps cool us off. 

But right between the sprinklers and the ice pops I try to sneak in a little educational something. My kids do not like to practice handwriting. They can do it, they have skills, but they are as happy about writing practice as I am about my frizzy summer hair. I have become stealth at tricking them into practicing, or skill building, without it seeming like work.

What you need:
Favorite dinosaur or other action figure

First start by positioning your paper directly in the sun.

Next line up your figure to create a long shadow on the page.

Last, trace the outline of the shadow onto the page. 

Dinosaur trace

That's it, no sweat! (Yes, that was on purpose). Kids can create as many pages as they like, or create a scene with multiple figures. You can also use this technique inside next to a sunny window. Kids can trace the shapes made by the sun coming through sheer or lacy curtains, window clings or other object. 

It's easy, fun, super cheap and keeps your kids occupied while keeping their skills sharp!

The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here. You can also find her musings and popular shares on Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date with her creative ideas and outings on Pinterest. 

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