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Periods start earlier for young girls

How to prepare them

Periods start earlier for young girls
Photo source: Genial Day 

The changes in lifestyle over the past several years—reduced physical activity, a rich diet—may have triggered earlier periods in young girls. Since girls as young as 10 start their puberty, parents should consider how to initiate conversations about their natural cycles to counteract any misleading information found online. 

During the pandemic, the number of young girls entering puberty has doubled in some countries—from 140 cases in 2019 to 328 in 2020. Given that girls are already reaching puberty five years earlier than at the beginning of the 20th century, early maturity and menstruation might prove challenging to both girls and their parents or custodians if they fail to prepare their young children about the upcoming changes. 

Why do periods start earlier?

In the last couple of years early puberty has been linked to the change in lifestyle during lockdowns: an increased use of electronic devices, higher amounts of foods rich in fat and sugar, higher levels of stress, and reduced physical activity. Even before the pandemic, some girls started to mature as early as 10 years old, and the age of menstruation dropped from 16 or 17 a hundred years ago to the current 13. 
However, Vilmante Markeviciene, founder of Genial Day—a woman-owned conscious intimate health brand—believes girls should be prepared about menstruation well in advance to avoid the stress when the time comes.

“Period, especially an early one, might come as a shock to a young girl if she does not know what it is and what to expect. Therefore, it is a duty of their parents, custodians, or teachers to talk about the natural reproduction processes and guide girls in every step of the way,” she said.

According to Ms. Markeviciene, she has encountered numerous cases where girls start their first period without any prior knowledge. They start to panic, believing that their health or even their life might be in danger, and this type of shock and fear can be avoided with proper education beforehand. 

How can parents help girls deal with early periods?

Around 35% of people feel embarrassed to talk about their intimate health. This often leads to girls turning to social media to educate themselves about periods, puberty, and other intimate things. Yet, Ms. Markeviciene pointed out that young girls may not always find the right information online, this is why parents or custodians should step in and start talking to them about the natural processes as early as the age of nine.

“First of all, it goes without saying, that parents should ensure a safe and comfortable space for conversations about periods so that girls would know they can talk to them without any judgment or embarrassment,” the expert shared. “By initiating honest conversations about periods, parents or custodians form stronger bonds with their young girls, and show them they do not need to experience these new changes all alone or learn things online.”

Ms. Markeviciene also emphasized that parents or custodians should, at all times, ascertain girls that periods are not an illness and they can live their full active life even on the heaviest days. “Feeling comfortable during their first menstruation is especially important to young girls. Parents should also talk to them about menstruation products which are a very individual choice.  Some of them can cause irritation or discomfort if not chosen correctly, so the adult figure should make sure to help the girl to find alternatives that will make the experience more pleasant.”

Finally, parents or custodians themselves should refresh their knowledge about the reproductive cycles and learn together with their children. “If books, brochures, podcasts, and videos about menstruation and other natural cycles are not enough, intimate health experts are always happy to answer any questions. Having a positive approach to periods and learning about menstruation could also work as a great method to help the teenagers destigmatize the topic by setting a good example at home.”

Although an early period is normal, parents should contact physicians if their children experience abnormal pains or excessive bleeding. It is important for adults to empathize with girls’ experiences as well as take their worries and complaints seriously. 

Genial Day is a women-owned brand, which focuses on organic, hypoallergenic feminine hygiene products, using FAR-IR anion strip technology in the sanitary pads. The company was first introduced in Lithuania in 2009, where it became a top organic sanitary napkin brand in just four years, and later expanded to Europe, reaching the U.S. market in 2016. Currently, Genial Day is available in 15 countries worldwide. The product range includes sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and period panties.

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