If your child is crazy about Buzz and Woody, host a “Toy Story” Party that features all the characters from this wildly popular series. Because “Toy Story 3” is coming soon to a theater near you, you’ll find lots of birthday products and toys on the shelves to match your party theme. Your child will love spending time with the toy box gang—Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Ham, Slink, Rex and all the others. What could be better than a toy-themed party that takes guests “to infinity, and beyond?”
Download pictures of Woody and Buzz from the Internet to use for the invitations. Cut them out, glue them onto blank cards, and write, “To infinity, and beyond….” on the outside. Inside write, “You’re invited to Space Ranger (child’s name) for a rootin’ tootin’ party that’s out of this world!” Sign the invitations “Universe Protection Unit.” Place in envelopes decorated with “Toy Story” stickers.
Ask the kids to come dressed as their favorite character from the movie. Have the guest of honor wear a Buzz Lightyear costume (you can order one online), or create your own Woody costume, with a cowboy hat, yellow plaid shirt, jeans and boots. Tie a red kerchief around Woody’s neck, add a black and white vest cut from fake fur, and attach a holster to finish the look. If the guests don’t come in costume, offer them sheriff badges, red kerchiefs, and cowboy hats when they arrive so they can look like Woody, too.
Turn your party room into a giant toy room! Use your Balloon Time Helium Balloon Kit to fill the ceiling with green and purple helium-filled balloons (Buzz’s favorite colors), and then tie silver stars to the ends of the balloon ribbons. Twist crepe paper streamers down the walls and around the entry ways. Hang a sign at the front door that reads, “Welcome to Star Command” and make more signs to post on the party room walls that read, “Extremely Dangerous!” “Space Rangers,” “Universe Protection Unit,” “Code Red,” “The Claw,” “Pizza Planet,” “Red Alert,” and so on.
Play space tunes in the background from movies like “Star Trek,” and “Star Wars.” Make a rocket ship out of a refrigerator box, painted black and covered with silver stars. Set out Magic 8-Balls, Mr. Potato Heads, Little Green Men, Army Guys and other “Toy Story” figures and toys.
Find more party prepping tips here.
Penny Warner, with BalloonTime.com, has more than 25 years of experience as an author and party planner. She has published more than 50 books, including 16 specific to parties.