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Tips for Making Your Own Birthday Party Invitations

It's easy and gets your kids involved

Invitations set the tone of the party, reveal its theme, and build excitement not only for the birthday star, but for party guests. Print them off the computer using all the great clip art available, create a CD or video and mail it. Send online invitations to older kids; I use Record a video of your child inviting their friends, upload and email.

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Not computer savvy? That’s fine, too. A simply-printed invite in black and white, then colored by the child is just as special. And, it gets your child involved in the process as well. Or cut out words from scrapbooking accessories and copy it at the office supply store.

How about a scavenger hunt invite! Use yellowish paper, like an old treasure map. Draw a map of your neighborhood or make one from the computer. Be sure to put a big X showing where the party will take place, and list what they should bring. Once you’re finished with the details, crumple the paper up to give it a weathered look, then roll it and tie a ribbon around it. Snail mail, or hand deliver.

To take it up another notch, create a treasure chest invite from small crafts store boxes. Decorate the box and put an X on top of it. Place party items inside like fake jewels, or coins. Include the list of items they have to find once they get to the party. Separate guests into teams and the team with the most finds gets a prize. Once you start thinking this way, the ideas keep coming.

Alicia D'amico is a mom of three, and loves planning memorable family parties.