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Parenting at the movies

Laughter guaranteed with 7 fun movies featuring parents

parenting, movies, laughter

There’s nothing like a nice movie about being a new mommy to put the ups and downs of parenthood into perspective. Or to watch later and remember fondly.

LarissaMarulli has worked out a list of seven of her favorite titles that show parents what to expect.

“You'll be able to relate and see what else parenting has in store for you,” she notes. “The following movies are a must-see for all new moms (and dads) that share a different perspective on being a parent. The world will never look the same so enjoy these mom-focused films with your new baby nestling in your arms.”

What To Expect When You're Expecting (2012) has pregnant women who are struggling and others who are enjoying every single second. It's relatable because we all fall somewhere in the middle. The film stars Camero Diaz, Anna Kendrick, Jennifer Lopez, and Elizabeth Banks. 

Look Who's Talking (1989) follows Kirstie Alley's Mollie as a single mom after her own indiscretions and misjudgment. John Travolta co-stars as a cabbie who becomes close to Mollie and Mikey, who’s voice is by Bruce Willis.

Bad Moms (2016) features moms who take on the PTA and the demands of motherhood after being fed up for years. This glimpse into the future should inspire you to not take life as a mom too seriously. Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn star

Junior (1994) has Arnold Schwarzenegger playing a research geneticist who becomes the first man ever to become pregnant. You'll either sympathize with this big pregnant man or roll your eyes.

Babies (2010) is a French documentary that follows four babies in four different countries over the course of their first year. The coverage begins at birth and shows the intimate details of a developing baby. It's incredible to watch the cultural differences in raising babies in San Francisco and Tokyo, Nambia and Mongolia.

Juno (2007) is a teen coming of age comedy that explores the emotions and anxiety of an unexpected pregnancy.

Unexpected (2015) depicts two unexpected pregnancies: one a teacher at an inner-city high school, the other a troubled student. New moms will enjoy seeing both their journeys. 

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