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Learn to appreciate the small things in order to live a rich life

Gratitude Journal 101

As the seasons change is a great time to take inventory of our life and ponder what we would like to change. Hudson Valley Parent wants to help you keep the one resolution we all should stick to - be happier, more mindful parents.

Although these were published several years ago, they still ring true in our lives today. With the stress we are experiencing maybe the mindfulness theme should become more prominent. Release stress. Become calm. Be happy. 
  • I am grateful for the sunshine
  • I am grateful for my favorite pair of comfy leggings
  • I am grateful my plants are still alive

Living a "rich life" isn't about money. It's about being grateful for all the things you already have... even the smallest of things, like the new bud on your rose bush.

Check out the video above for a clever way to appreciate the things your life has to offer.

Visit Kathy's website here.

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