The start of a new year has historically been a time to reflect on the year that has passed and give some thought to the aspects of your life you'd like to improve on in the new year. Maybe you make and set hard goals for yourself each year or maybe you casually think about ways you can be better, things you'd like to achieve or places you'd like to take your family to.
We asked Hudson Valley Parent staff, writers and bloggers to share with you their goals and resolutions for the new year.
Be positive in all that I do. And look forward to growing in new directions. Terrie Goldstein, publisher
Read More: Make Healthy Eating a Resolution this Year
For much of the year I take my sketchbook with me whenever I go on outings to gardens and other scenic spots. But by December I pretty much abandon my drawing as the hibernation effect settles in. I like to think I could break that habit and embrace the beauty that winter offers and maybe capture a bit of that on paper, even if it's just a quick pencil sketch of the snowy view outside my window. Olivia Lawrence, writer
My resolution (same as last year LOL!) is to start doing yoga. Rielly Grey, writer
Read More: Ditch the Gym and Have Fun with your Health this Year
My resolution is to say "no" to things that I can't handle both at work and at home/to not spread myself too thin just because I feel pressure to do it all. Kristina Mulligan, blogger
My New Years' Resolution for 2019 is to more consistently come home after a long day at work with a positive attitude and not let my exhaustion or stress level from earlier in the day affect the way I treat and interact with the most important people in my life-my family. Jill Valentino, writer
My resolution is to simplify my life. Leslie Cortes, Executive Assistant
My New Year's resolution is to read all the books I got in the last year. Lisa Iannucci, writer
I don't make resolutions, but I set an intention or theme for the year ahead. This year my theme is deeper connection- with friends, family and readers. Roxanne Ferber, blogger
With adventures of Abby Girl, I have resolved to hike another 100 hundred miles here and beyond the Hudson Valley with my three year old little girl. Erica Higgs, blogger
Read More: 6 Tips to Stay Fit this Winter
We love the fresh start of a new year. Whether our goals are personal development, family fun, health, etc. we are optimistic and ready to take on another year. So print out a sheet for each member of your family, grab some pens and see what you can come up with.