New Moms Round-up

Tips, advice and resources for new moms

resources for new moms

10 step guide to making new mommy friends
It’s not uncommon for especially new moms to feel isolated and alone. These are the years it is even more important for us to be connected to each other, but making new mom friends can be a lot like dating. Read More...

The 4 most common breastfeeding questions
We asked Donna Bruschi, a Hudson Valley lactation consultant and owner of New Baby, New Paltz, to answer some of the most common breastfeeding questions that we’ve heard. Read More...

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Creating a safe sleeping environment for infants

As most parents know, there are plenty of opinions out there on the best way to put your baby down for naps or bedtime. But the safest method for putting your baby down to sleep is more than just a matter of personal preference. Read More...

10 bedroom tips for brand new moms
Gulp! Your doctor has given you the “all clear” to resume sexual activity after birthing your baby. Now you just need the libido, energy, and a good night's sleep to go with it and maybe sex will sound remotely interesting again. Read More...