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Meet local pastel artist this weekend

Clay Buchanan hosts open house

Meet local artist Clayton Buchanan

Clayton Buchanan is known for his wonderful pastel paintings that show off the neighborhoods of Newburgh and its wonderful people. For over 20 years he was the art director of Hudson Valley Parent and had a studio in Newburgh.

Clay studied impressionist painting with Henry Hensche at the Cape School of Art in Provincetown, MA and he studied figure and portrait painting with William Draper at the Art Students League in New York.

Most recently Clay’s painting, Father’s Day won Best-in-Show at the Wallkill River School of Art in Montgomery.

Come say hello to Clay at the Newburgh Open Studios Tour. On September 30 and October 1, from noon to 6pm, Clay will be at:

ReAttached Real Estate office
169 1/2 Liberty St., Newburgh

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