Leaf peeping time is right around the corner

New York Fall Foliage Report

Learn about the changing leaves

It seems that the beautiful colors of autumn will be a little late this year. Keep occupied while you wait for the leaves to change with some cool info from NYS DEC. Learn why leaves change color and watch a chat local trees. Check out an interactive map where you can find the most color.

Watch for the first signs of the colorful fall foliage by checking in on the I Love NY Fall Foliage report. Every Wednesday afternoon, the report will be updated with the latest color conditions across the state. 

Autumn leaves change color due to the days growing shorter and colder. Plants slow down, and eventually stop producing the food necessary to produce chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for that leafy green color. As the levels of chlorophyll are depleted, other pigments such as carotenoids cause those classic fall colors. 

Watch for the differences in colors in maples, oaks, or dogwoods near you. Check out our previous Facebook Live to learn more about fall foliage, and enjoy nature’s brightest colors.

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