"Why not take them? I think it's a good way to see if your kids are learning. All this propaganda is out of control. Kids need to get used to take tests to be able to succeed in their academic life (college)." ~ Cristina C.
"Bottom line - If you think common core is the wrong way to educate your children, opt out of it via the tests. It's the only way to protest and ensure you are heard." ~ Christina M.
"I've refused the tests on behalf of my children for the last couple of years. Our school district had over 50% opt outs this past spring. The local assessments are not very informative nor are they valid... the state tests are even worse. You don't need state tests to tell you if your child is learning. A good teacher and good communication with your child's teacher is the best bet." ~ Lori T.
"Not only did I refuse the tests for several years, I also refuse to allow my child to suffer through a Common Core education. As of last year, we pulled her from her Catholic school and she now attends another Catholic school that does not follow Common Core. Common Core is destroying education." ~ Tara S.
"I opt out as it's my only legal means to protest common core. It's been said....no tests equals no data, and no data equals no common core." ~ Bernadette S.
"My child has refused since 4th grade and will again and again. We sent our tests refusal letter in on the first day of school, just to be CLEAR. I am the parent. I made the choice for my child and if I had other children they would not test either. There is a plethora of information to be had. Educate your mind to find out." ~ Lala B.
"We are refusing because I am sick to death of being told that my child doesn't measure up to other children. She is not a guinea pig for big government either." ~ Mary I.
Editor’s Note: This question received many thoughtful responses, and some quite lengthy. To be fair, we chose those that answered our question. We invite you to visit the Facebook chat page to read the other responses on this very hot topic.