"My daughter has IEP since she was in preschool at the age of 3 and she still has it in 1st grade. She has speech delay and is in a smaller class room setting. She loves it and it helps her out a lot. Now she won't stop talking." ~Pamela R.
"My son has an IEP, and transitioning from the preschool to school-aged system was a challenge. Thankfully our district has a Special Education PTA that helped us learn to better advocate for him!" ~Christie K.

"My daughter has had an IEP from preschool to her current school year. She is Autistic and attends an out of district program that has been a godsend. We have not had any issues through our current home district." ~Lori G.
"My son just went through all the testing and has an IEP this year. It was such an easy process from Kindergarten and now. I'm loving the teachers and the steps they take with him. Keeping us informed every step of the way." ~Alicia G.
"We've been trying to get my daughter one since last year. We switched schools last year. The school she went to in the beginning of the year was helping us and was making things easy but once we moved and she switched schools we've had nothing but issues and no luck." ~Tory L.

"My son has been classified with an IEP since pre-k. I'm not fond of his current school’s program, but the one before this grade was excellent!" ~Megan H.

"We first started with one which pretty much denied everything we needed. We then moved to a new district before Kindergarten started and the district has been amazing! It's a shame that some districts are of no help while others are so amazing!" ~Jenna K.
"Our district was great while my son was a preschooler, but when he went into Kindergarten, they decided he didn't qualify for services. It took a lot to get them back. We didn't know what school he was going to for kindergarten until a week before school started." ~Lori D.

"Both my boys (6&4) have IEPs. Both for speech and one for OT also. Very accommodating our school district." ~Kristin L.