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How to use your credit cards to paint

Create unique works of art by opening your wallet

How to use your credit cards to paint

How many "credit cards" do you get in the mail each week? You know those fake offers, or a mock up of a credit card you 
could have if you apply. My kids like to keep them for their play wallets, and I'm happy to oblige because it's better than tossing more plastic into the landfills. After some searching on Pinterest and looking for ways to reuse or repurpose these extra cards, I think I found a great solution!

Here is what you will need:

  • Plastic credit card (fake, or expired)
  • Water color paper (any size)
  • Blue painter tape (or masking tape)
  • Tubes of paint (any colors)
  • Plastic mat (or clip board)
I happen to have water color post card paper on hand. I am excited for the chance to make some extra special post cards to sent off to friends. You can really use any size and cut your page as needed. If you do not have water color paper specifically, any heavy card stock will work. Thinner paper will buckle from the moisture of the paint.

Begin by taping all four edges of your paper to a plastic mat, clip board or piece of card board. This makes it easier to keep a grip on the paper. It also creates a nice frame around your painting. 

Next, squeeze small dots of paint in a line, or get creative and make zig-zags or space out your dots. If you are using paint without glitter you can add in some glitter glue since it dries clear. Layer it over your first swipes of paint, or add a dollop in between paint drops. It will mix on the paper. 

Then place the edge of your credit card at an angle in front of the line of paint. Now drag the card threw the paint! 

Peel the tape off right away, slowly and gently so you do not tear the paper. 

In less than 5 minutes you have some pretty original art work, or unique stationary to write your letters on. This is such an easy quick project and perfect for a rainy day!

How easy does this look? Think you'll try it?

The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here. You can also find her musings and popular shares on Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date with her creative ideas and outings on Pinterest.

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