Wanna take better photos of your children? Here are a few quick and easy tips …

1. Go easy on the “cheeeeeese!” Here’s the thing about “cheeeeeeeeeeese!”: It’s not genuine. You may, in fact, get a smile … but it’s no where near as sweet as when your child smiles from her heart. Boycott the “cheeeeeese!” and get your child used to just carrying on as normal around your camera. You’ll start capturing all kinds of expressions that will absolutely melt your heart.

2. Experiment with in-camera cropping. Perfect is sooooo over rated! Have fun and try some different and interesting crops.

3. Don’t forget the details! What are you going to do with all the pictures you take on your camera or phone? Will you be making an album? Or a collage display on your wall? The best way to add interest to an album or display is to include a mix of pictures … some up close, some far away, and some that show details.

4. Have fun! The most amazing photographs happen when people are truly just doing their thing. Pinterest may be full of amazing ideas and photos you want to imitate … but avoid the trap of always trying to recreate other people’s images. Sit back and watch for your own amazing moments and people will want to start copying your photographs!

5. Remember to pull back! Get up close and personal so that you can see the new little teeth that broke through!! But at the same time, pull back so you can also see the crib that one day will be replaced by a big-girl bed.

6. Nap time is a great time for selfies! Snuggle down with your little one right as he’s about to conk out and you’ll be able to capture the sweetest pictures of you guys together.

7. Include special toys. It’s not possible to save all your children’s toys. (Well, ok. It is possible … but certainly not recommended!) By including those toys in pictures, not only do you get a mighty cute photo, but it’s a really great way to preserve the memory of a beloved play thing … without the clutter.

8. Capture images from the front, back and side of your child. We get so used to taking pictures of our children’s faces looking right at the camera that sometimes we forget to capture other angles, too. Profile shots and pictures of little ones walking or crawling away can be super adorable!

9. Shoot a series for your wall or album. In the example above, the girls were photographed lying in the grass separately, and then together. Voila! Just like that you’ve now got a cohesive wall grouping without too much work!
Kate Callahan is an on-location photographer who LOVES to capture authentic memories for families. She’s available for weddings, senior photos, child photo sessions, and family photography. Kate works with clients throughout the Hudson Valley, NYC, Delaware (and the tri-state area), and beyond.
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