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4 ways to celebrate Hoodie-Hoo Day

It's time to banish the winter blahs!

things to do in the winter with kids

Each year on February 20, people living in the northern hemisphere celebrate Hoodie-Hoo Day. On this day, people go out at noon, wave their hands over their heads and yell "Hoodie-Hoo." This is a day to try to chase away the winter blahs. So we've rounded up 4 of our favorite ways to keep your kids from screaming "I'm bored" all winter long! 

1. Clean. While this activity might not be high on your older kids’ list of fun activities, younger children may enjoy helping mom with The Great Cleaning Race. Place quarters in the bottom of toy buckets and tell the kids that they can keep all of the quarters they find as they help you straighten up all of the toys in the playroom. Not only will this keep kids occupied, but you will finally get a chance to check off a few things from your long “to-do” list.

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2. Cook. Have you taught your kids how to cook? Even if a snow day has left you without too much food in the house, it doesn’t take much to give a Food Network-style cooking demonstration that teaches your younger kids how to make cookies or your older kids the basics of making scrambled eggs or French toast.

3. Create. Instead of creating yet another crayon drawing that won’t even fit on the fridge, school breaks offer great opportunities to make homemade cards and gifts. Stock up on craft supplies for that surprise snow day. Ideas? Homemade birthday cards, thumbprint-painted terra cotta pots, hand-painted note cards for Grandma, and much more!

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4. Cuddle. When is the last time you had even a moment to just sit down and cuddle with the kids? It may sound corny but a cold winter day is a great chance to spend a little time reading to your preschooler or singing with your toddler while holding them in your lap. What about older kids? Get out the hot chocolate and a plate of goodies, grab a big blanket and set-up on the couch for that good long talk that you never get to have or play a game of twenty questions.

Don't forget to share your Hoodie-Hoo day pictures with us on Facebook!

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