1. Museum Village
1010 State Rte. 17M
Monroe, NY
Admission: Adults $15, Seniors $13, children 4-12 $10, children under 4 free, active and retired military are also free.
Hours: Open Tuesday through Friday, 10am-3pm. Saturday & Sunday from 11am-4pm.
Educational programs, hands-on-exhibits, special events and a real Mastodon skeleton – one of three in the world!
2.The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
9 Norton Rd.
Red Hook, NY
Hours: Museum is open daily May1-October 31, from 10am to 5pm. Air shows are on Saturdays and Sundays, June 17-October 15, from 2pm to 4pm.
Museum admission: $12/Adults Ages 18-64, $8/Seniors Ages 65 and over, $8/Military Active or retired with military ID, $8/Youths Ages 6-17, Free/Children Ages 5 and under.
Airshow admission: Children (Ages 5 and under) Free, Youth (Ages 6-17)/$13, Adults (Ages 18-64)/$28, Seniors (Ages 65 and over)/$21, Military (Active or retired with military ID)/$21
Biplane rides by reservation. Flights in the biplanes last approximately 15 minutes and cost $100 per person. Weekend airshows feature restored and replica antique airplanes zooming in the skies above. Come early or stay late to see the museum that houses many vintage aviation and other items.
READ MORE: 6 travel activities to entertain and educate kids
3. Boscobel House and Gardens
1601 Rte. 9D
Garrison, NY
Grounds and Gardens: Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday 9am to Sunset.
Guided House Tours: Saturdays between 10am-3:30pm, Mondays, Fridays and Sundays from 11am-3pm
Gardens and Grounds Admission: Members and Season Pass Holders/Included with Membership, Not-Yet-Members/$14 Adult | $12 Senior | $7 Child (ages 4-18). Free to healthcare workers, members, library pass holders, and children under age 4, Discounts for Veterans.
Guided House Tours: Members and up to three of their guests: Included with Membership. Prospective Members: Adult $24 | Senior $21 | Child (ages 4-18) $13 | Child (under age 4) FREE.
Explore the herb garden and orangery, the apple orchard, the rose garden and take a nature walk through the Woodland Trail of Discovery.
READ MORE: Tons of places to go this summer!
4. USS Slater
Destroyer Escort Historical Museum
Broadway and Quay
Albany, NY
Hours: Open Wednesday through Sunday 10am to 4pm from April 5 through November 26.
Admission: Price varies according to the tour you want to take. You can book tickets online here.
The USS Slater is the last of the Destroyer Escorts that helped to protect U.S. fleets during World War II. Veteran tour guides lead visitors into the watch stations, battle stations and living compartments of the sailors. Tours begin approximately every 30 minutes and last about one hour. Visit the ship’s website for interesting activities you can do with your children to prepare for the visit.
5. West Point Museum
2110 New South Post Rd.
West Point, NY
Hours: Open Tuesday to Sunday, 9:30am to 4:15pm
Admission: Free to all.
The West Point Museum is our oldest federal museum. Visitors can view the actual weapons, uniforms and memorabilia of American soldiers from the 17th century to the present as well as military artifacts from around the world. A visit to the West Point Museum is truly a journey through history itself.
If you like these, you’ll love these historic hot spots:
1. Fort Ticonderoga
2. Hyde Park Railroad Station Museum
3. Mount Gulian Historic Site
4.Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site