5 tips for safe Halloween fun

Have a scary amount of fun while remaining safe

5 tips for safe Halloween fun

Halloween is just around the corner and kids will soon hit the streets in search of treats and a little bit of trickery. To ensure a safe and fun Halloween experience, parents can consider the following tips:

1. Watch out for props: Make sure that if little villains are carrying props, such as a scythe, magic wand or a pitchfork, that the tips are smooth and flexible enough to not cause injury if fallen on or if they are used to poke other children. The National Safety Council recommends props made of rubber or cardboard for maximum safety.

2. Improve mask visibility: Make sure children's masks have eye holes large enough for adequate peripheral vision.

3. Treat kids to a spooky dinner: Brew up a good meal prior to trick-or-treating. Having a full stomach will make children less likely to eat the candy they collect before a parent has a chance to check the loot, according to Safekids.org.

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4. Create safe costumes: Proper zombies wouldn't be caught dead without bright, reflective and fire-resistant attire. Make sure that shoes fit well, garments and accessories have reflective tape on them, and costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, entanglement or contact with flame.

5. Howl in case of emergency: When trick-or-treating with ghosts and goblins who have food allergies or live with diabetes, make sure they wear a medical ID bracelet, which is the first line of defense in an emergency. American Medical ID (www.IdentifyYourself.com) offers a variety of medical IDs in popular styles and colors for kids of all ages. Some 600,000 children suffer from peanut allergies and another 177,000 live with diabetes in the U.S.

With these tips in mind, parents and kids alike can have a bewitching evening full of fun, laughs and sugar-coated delights.