Too cold or snowy to get out this weekend?

You can still have fun right at home!

It's no secret that there's plenty of fun to be found in the Hudson Valley this winter. But if you feel like staying at home instead, here are a few ideas to keep your kids entertained: 

  • Set up a board game. Interactive games will keep your kids entertained, while teaching them math, verbal and social skills!n
  • Make a puppet show. Gather some old socks, buttons, and yarn and help your child cut, paste and sew the silliest puppets. Or use popsicle sticks and construction paper to make people or animals. Create a new storyline, or have the puppets act out a favorite – such as Little Red Riding Hood or The Three Little Pigs.
  • Children love dressing up, and they also love dancing and singing. Let them dress up however they want (maybe in a pretty dress, or as one of their favorite characters), put on some music, and dance!
  • Play dress-up hot potato. Gather a bunch of different clothes on a bag, such as scarves, hats, vests or mittens, and have the kids toss it back and forth to their favorite music. Whoever has the most (or the funniest) clothing when the bag is empty, wins!