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Fun activities for Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day with these fun things to do with your family

Fun activities for Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 each year here in the U.S. It's a great time to rethink how we can help our planet stay healthy. Here are some fun recycling activities you can do with your kids

DIY Bird Feeder from Surviving a Teacher’s Salary 
These DIY feeders are easy to create and much cheaper than buying your own bird feeders! All you need are popsicle sticks, hot glue and some paint. Grab a little twine to hang it with and you will have a bird feeder. The kids will have hours of fun watching the birds. Bonus: teach them to identify their new feathered friends.

Recycled Crafts with Plastic Egg Cartons from Little Bins for Little Hands 
Who doesn’t love a good egg carton craft activity? Cut, color and bake. Don’t forget the hole puncher. See easy directions here.

DIY Earth crayons from Today’s Creative Life 
This is really cool and there are always broken crayons in the craft bin. Grab the blues and greens and make some earth shaped crayons. Challenge your kids to draw a picture of the earth after with their new crayons.

READ MORE: 20 Ways to help your family go green!

Grow silly egghead hair from Mainly Homemade 
What a great way to recycle eggshells and dryer lint! Cut the tops off the eggs, decorate and plant some seeds in the dryer lint. Great way to teach kids about how plants grow. 

DIY soda bottle terrarium from Stay-at-Home Science 
Too many soda bottles around? Recycle them into a terrarium. Kids will love picking out the plants and watching them create a mini-ecosystem in a bottle.

Make your own paper from TinkerLab 
This one takes a little time but it makes gorgeous paper. Kids will have fun tearing up the paper and pressing it to get rid of the water. You can also add little things like dried flowers or seeds to enhance the look.

Want more fun stuff to do for Earth Day? Check out our Pinterest board here.

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