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Help your child work through dyslexia

Helping your child with dyslexia

Kids diagnosed with dyslexia may have problems spelling, reading, solving arithmetic problems and may have a difficult time concentrating.

It may be hard for you to see from your child’s perspective, but the International Dyslexia Association shares great suggestions for strengthening your child’s reading skills!

1. Educate yourself on dyslexia. Read books that will help you get a grasp on how your child is feeling. This way, you will be in a better position to help your child.

2. Keep a notebook. Invest in a 3-ring-binder to compile your child’s school work in. Take your book to school meetings and keep track of progress.

3. Keep expectations high. Often teachers and parents lower their expectations for a child with learning disabilities. However, these children actually work better when they have high standards with reasonable goals.

4. Visit the classroom often. Volunteer as much time as you can in your child’s classroom. It allows you to see how your child is functioning in comparison to peers. This will also help you and your child’s teacher foster a working relationship.

5. Keep a file of resources. Whenever you come across recommended tutors, pediatricians or medications that will benefit your child’s learning disability, put the information in a file.

READ MORE: October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month

6. Be patient. Everyone can relate to having an “off” day. It’s a good idea to keep in mind that inconsistency is normal when a child has a learning disability. Patience is a virtue!

7. Make time to read aloud. Reading aloud to your child can make a huge difference, not only for improving vocabulary and comprehension, but also in improving their decoding skills.

8. Let your child be an “expert.” Whether it is an academic subject or knowledge about a specific subject, assist your child in fostering an expertise! It can be a great topic to turn to when it is needed for a writing assignment or an oral report.

9. Keep communication open. Talk to your child frequently about dyslexia, and be matter-of-fact about it. Talk about your child’s strengths and weaknesses, along with encouraging words about the learning process.

10. Keep a sense of humor. Your child needs laughter! And lots of it! It’s a great way to offset the frustrating experience that learning can sometimes be when you have a learning disability.

Give your child plenty of positive encouragement and feedback. Praise the strengths and accomplishments your child possesses! Don’t forget to ask your child’s teacher for help, they can be a great resource!