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Doodling With Popsicle Sticks

This week our calendar is filled with play dates and back to school preparations. As our summer days wind down it's time to put away the summer stuff and eek out that last bit of summer joy before the kids board the bus again.
One of my tasks this week, which isn't totally necessary for back to school prep, is cleaning out the art cart. It was overflowing and starting to look junky. As I pulled things out that I haven't seen in a while I discovered we have a ridiculous amount of Popsicle sticks. I immediately consulted with Pinterest for answers. You can make just about anything from Popsicle sticks, from fairy houses to playing cards. Who knew?

As I was scrolling through looking for just the right project one of my kids thought to use a Popsicle stick to create a little geometric pattern to color. Clearly I was overthinking things.

You simply need a Popsicle stick, any size, colored pens or markers.

Trace the outside of the stick and keep turning it to different angels and trace again. 

Then simply color in the random shapes you find within your pattern.

This could make a really fun framed piece of art for your home, or use the same method to make a fun card. Either way it gets the kids strengthening their hand writing muscles and using their imagination. They can identify shapes, curves and lines as they create their pattern. It sure kept my kids busy at the kitchen table while I was able to get dinner on the table. 

If you get to try it out feel free to share a pic on our Facebook page! I'd love to see what your budding little artist creates. 

The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here. You can also find her musings and popular shares on Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date with her creative ideas and outings on Pinterest. 


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