Yes, you.
We all do it. I woke up at 3:45am this morning with the goal of a 90 minute ride on the Peloton before my daughter woke up. 60 minutes of ADHD in bed later, and my 90 minute ride shrunk to a 30 minute ride.
I hated myself for about four seconds, until I remembered that thirty minutes of heavy breathing and hard sweat is still better than zero minutes, and tomorrow is another chance to try again.
I bet right now, at this very moment, you're being hard on yourself for something you have or haven't done. Hear me when I say that being unkind to yourself doesn't help you improve. Rather, it wounds the warrior within you, and feeds the cycle of being unkind to yourself.
Stop it. Chances are, you'd never allow someone to treat a friend, a family member, heck, even a pet, the way you sometimes treat yourself.
You deserve to be treated kindly by you. That's it. That's the sentence.
Much love,
Peter Shankman is an entrepreneur, an author and a trainer living in New York City. He is a stay at home dad as well. Check out his blog here.
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