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Do Life Coaches have it all together?

Sometimes. For me, I love the awareness and recognition the patterns my brain offers me

ilana charette

I think my favorite part since deciding to become a life coach has been the awareness and recognition in my own self of the patterns my brain offers me. Thinking, feeling, doing patterns that have run my life. Patterns that get better and better because as you practice one thing, your brain just gets better.

Our brain makes patterns for us

This is why it is so easy to drive a car. You look up and suddenly you’ve gone 5 exits on the highway without really being “there” for it. 

This is why when you get home from work you use the same sequence you are use to right away, without fail.

Thoughts are patterns. Feelings are patterns. Actions, or more specifically, in my case - in-actions are patterns.

Our brain has coded a SURVIVAL MECHANISM for everything we think, feel, do or do not do.

Changing habits requires a conscious decision

Since the way we have always existed is the mechanism the we use to survive, changing the habitual thoughts, habitual feelings, and habitual actions takes awareness and pattern interrupts to break the cycle. It is why quitting smoking cigarettes is difficult to do. Even though we fully understand the life risks involved with cigarettes, our brain only understands it as a habit that we need for survival. 

So, because someone decides they are going to become a life coach does not mean that everything just starts going their way all the time. It also does not mean that their nearly 4-year old boy will suddenly be potty trained. Or that big things will change at all.

What it does mean is that we are signed up for the full life experience. Deciding to become an entrepreneur is the decision people wish they could make. And because you have decided to step into it, you can learned how to become that new version of yourself. This is exciting and why we are so fired up to teach you how to move forward.

Learn how your brain can support your desires

Choosing to live this way is not a sure fire way to get everything you want — easily. It is however, a sure fire way to get everything you want as you do the work of rewiring your brain or choosing delayed gratification.  You will be the one showing up because you said you would even if no one else did. It is keeping your word that you gave yourself. It is managing your mind about why going to the gym right this second might in your best interest. 

We are practicing these skills as we go. It is the journey of a lifetime.

Our human brain is so good at lying to us. So we can play small. So we can watch Netflix now instead of doing anything towards reaching our goals. 

Life Coaching asks you to examine what you’re thinking. Because your thoughts matter. Because our thoughts always come true. Life Coaching is the answer.

Ilana Charette is the life and weight loss coach for women who have had lap band weight loss surgery and are struggling with regain since pregnancy/kids. She teaches women how to trust themselves and their bodies again with self-care, self-integrity, and self-love. She offers one on one coaching where clients become aware of how their brains are working perfectly and are taught how to step into mastery of the brain to create an extraordinary life of abundance and unconditional love -- and permanent weight loss. Find out more about her and follow along as she loses her weight for the final time: and on Instagram. 

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