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DIY Storage Jars to Hold Your Summer Souvenirs

Recycle jars you already have for this easy project!

Maybe you have already watched the video that inspired this project. It was all over social media months ago and I thought, "wow that looks easy enough." It is easy, but a little more time consuming because you need to let the paint dry over night (and finish up all the pickles in the jar before repurposing it). I did have a little snag with the glitter spray paint we chose, so I've nixed those photos. Apparently, gold spray glitter paint is kind of a topper color that doesn't cover up other colors. That's OK. I think what we have here is pretty cool!

These jars are perfect for your little collector. If your kids are like mine you can't take a single walk without coming back with little souvenirs. We have handfuls of seashells, cow-heads, tiny pine cones and little rocks tossed in corners. This sweet little jar will give kids a special place to store those little trinkets. These jars are perfect for saving seashells and sand from special beach trips, or even organize art supplies, or small toys. Recycle pickle jars, or other glass jars you already have on hand and give them an inexpensive make over. Take a look below!

What you will need:
Glass jar with metal top
Small toy
Hot glue gun
Spray paint

Begin by cleaning your jar and jar top, and remove all the paper labels.

Next, use the hot glue to adhere your small toy or object to the lid of your jar. We chose small dinosaurs because we have a ton of these tiny guys just lying around. I thought using them for this project ensures less things to step on. The bigger the jar, the bigger the toy to glue on top. 

Make sure you are in a well ventilated area, either outside or in your garage with windows and doors open. Be sure you have enough empty space before spray painting to avoid adding color to objects around you (like your lawn mower). Place a piece of cardboard, a tarp, or an open plastic bag under your lids before you spray them with paint. Allow paint to dry over night and you are ready to use your new jar!

These were seriously so easy to make. My kids are already dreaming of ways to fill them up. I like the idea of storing our crayons and such, but my kids see plenty of space for their rock collections. As long as I'm not stepping on any of those things because my kids think using these cute jars is super cool, I am a happy mom! 

What kinds of things do your kids collect?

The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here. You can also find her musings and popular shares on Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date with her creative ideas and outings on Pinterest. 

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