Date night

Top 5 reasons to go out with your spouse

Top 5 reasons to go out with your spouse

I could spend all week coming up with valid reasons not to spend precious time engaged in some artificially romantic date night. But the truth is we need them. Here are the top five reasons why. 

5. Dating is cheaper than couples counseling—not to mention divorce. 

Every relationship requires maintenance. Seeing a movie or taking a walk with your spouse is much less expensive (and more fun) than twice weekly sessions on an outdated sofa in on a counselor’s office. Think of date-night expenditures as an investment not only in your happiness, but in your long-term financial health as well.

4. Your spouse is hotter than you think. 

We all get tired of looking at our partners. No matter how much they set us a flutter in the beginning, the sparkle wears off. Between the diapers, paying the bills, and that odd smell in the hallway, romance can get away from you — quick. Sometimes sitting on the couch after the kids are asleep, you wonder how you ended up with this person. Getting away from everything together helps you focus on each other. You may be surprised to find you’re still kind of into each other — at least until you need to get home to unclog the drain.

3. The kids love eating mac-n-cheese out of a box. 

Your kids will enjoy seeing their parents go out and do something fun. They might not admit it, and they may even try to pour on a little guilt, but it can only do them good to see mom and dad make each other a priority. You’ll be setting a good example, and they really do like that junky food we fix on our way out to something better. (Oh, STOP feeling guilty. It’s not every night!)

2. Date night is a good time to reminisce. 

In the early years of a relationship friends are always asking how you met. This inevitably leads to sweet or funny or mushy stories of eyes locking and hands trembling and blah-blah-blah. But it’s fun, and reminds you why you (see above) find each other hot, and used to be quite into each other. So live a little, in the past. You don’t want to rely on memories for all your contentment because that would mean you’re not busy making new memories, but reminiscing about any good times together (not just at the beginning) is good for your future.

And the most important reason to date your spouse:

1. It could lead to sex. 

Sex is really, really good for you. You need it. Just like food and water, it’s fundamental to good health — both your physical well-being and that of your relationship. Obviously, date night is critical. How do you expect to get naked with someone you can’t have a conversation with? A scheduled date night is not the be-all-end-all solution to every relationship trouble, but it’s one little thing you can do. And it’s not the grand gestures that define a relationship; it’s the little things, added up over time, that fortify. So think little, as in — get a little. 

Lela Davidson is a freelance writer who has been dating her husband for a very long time.