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Create a backyard theme park!

Five sanity-saving things you can have delivered for a summer-at-home

back yard fun, sprinklers, basketball, kids, outdoor toys

So, your kids are acting like prisoners who’ve been in solitary too long. They’re talking about theme parks, missed play dates at playgrounds and ball parks, and always asking when you’ll be allowing them back on to their all night Fortnight sessions. You’ve done every field trip in an hour’s drive of your house and just aren’t feeling safe venturing out any further distances, what with all that’s been happening elsewhere around the nation.

How about turning your back yard into a theme park? Remember how the right holiday presents can keep your progeny busy through a snowbound winter?

We’ve found five cool ideas, all at affordable prices and available for home delivery, that together can create quite the fun back yard.

Think volleyball… with a sprinkler element to keep one cool.

How about adding a flying disc set with targets and a beanbag?

Basketball is always lots of fun. It's even better when there are four hoops at the same time.  You can bring it inside when it rains.

And who doesn’t love ping pong, especially when you can play it like tennis.

The hard part will be keeping the grownups away from all this fun. The further fun will come from using your and your kids’ imagination to augment what you’ve bought to create totally new sports and avenues for summer fun.

It’s all about making memories of this strange summer and, more importantly, getting through it all with laughter, enjoyment and a bit of healthy exercise.

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