We searched the counties and found these 4 great places to take Dad on Father's Day. Make his day special by visiting one of these sites.
Dutchess County
Locust Grove Estate
2683 South Road, Poughkeepsie.
Bring Dad to visit the beautiful wildflower and vegetable
that have been restored to their pre-WWII appearance. While you are there, take
a light hike through the grounds. 5 miles of carriage roads take you through
meadows and forest alike.
Orange County
Newburgh Waterfront
Located off River Road in the city of Newburgh
Bring Dad down to the waterfront for a nice stroll and enjoy
the views of the Hudson. Get some take out from one of the many restaurants
that line the river.
Ulster County
Esopus Meadows Preserve
269 River Rd., Ulster Park. 845-473-4440
Take Dad back in time at this rustic spot where you can
picnic and enjoy the scenery. Take walk through the forest or along the
shoreline. For the adventurous Dad, try both.
Sullivan County
Kittatinny Canoes
Barryville Base, 3846 State Route 97, Barryville. 800-356-2852;
1-800-FLOAT KC
For the adventurous Dad, try canoeing, kayaking, tubing or
rafting on the river. Trips from novice to expert and even an overnight trip is
offered. They also have a campsite if you want to make a weekend of it.
Edited 6/17/2020