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The most common issues teens are facing today

The use of technology has it a whole new world

Top teen issues

The issues teens face today are not the ones we faced when we were young. Social media has exploded and it can make matters worse.

Amy Morin, LCSW, writing for verywellfamily states that advances in technology mean today's teens are facing issues that no previous generation has ever seen. While some issues are not exactly new, electronic media has changed or amplified some of the struggles young people face.

Morin discusses the top ten issues teens now deal with. Much of this turmoil can be chalked up to the overuse of technology. It can cause teens to lack interpersonal skills and not to pick up on social cues.


Too much time on electronic devices has cut in-person communication to a minimum. Around 13% of teens have experienced depression according the National Institute of Mental Health. It seems that girls are currently the most affected.

Being Bullied

With all the social media, it is easier than ever to bully someone. Talking to your teen about this subject is an absolute must.


Even though teen sexual activity has declined in the past years, it is essential that parents address this with their child. Respect and protection are key subjects when having these discussions.


While much illegal drug use has decline, marijuana use has escalated. Talking to your teens about the repercussions of using someone else's prescription the dangers of smoking are a must.


This activity has declined in the past several years, but many teens still drink alcohol. Make sure to let your teen know that the effects of this activity can negatively affect their brain function.


19.3% of teens are obese according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Encouraging your child to eat healthy and avoid junk food is a necessity.


Not all teens who drop out are "troubled". Many kids find the pressures to succeed and enter a good college to be too much. Talk to your child about how to overcome this issue with encouragement and help if necessary.

Peer Pressure

This has been a problem forever. Teens want to fit in and are vulnerable to making poor choices including sexting, doing drugs and even bullying another. Make sure they know you are in their corner and talk about how to respond to this pressure without judging.

Social Media

While these sites are a great way for teens to connect, it can also subject them to bullying and shaming. It can seriously affect their mental health. Teach your child to how navigate social media safely and provide support when needed. Be sure to educate yourself on the perils of using social media. 

Violence in the media

Movies and video games can subject your child to a great deal of violence. It can cause those watching to have less empathy. Aggressive behavior has been associated with this issue also. Again, talk to your child incessantly about this subject and encourage them to avoid the on-screen violence.

How to talk your teen

Talking about difficult subjects is awkward for kids and parents alike. Ask open-ended questions and try not to be judgmental. Listen to what your teen is telling you and set clear boundaries for their behavior.

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