Jeff Suzuki teaches mathematics at Brooklyn College, and is one of the founders of the Mid-Hudson Valley Math Teachers Circle, a group of teachers, professors, and mathematics aficionados working to promote mathematics education in the Hudson Valley.
Dear Jeff, What is the "Say Ten" method of counting?
Counting is
the basis for all arithmetic, and research on children in China and in the U.S.
reveal some disturbing facts. Chinese and American children learn to count to 10
at about the same rate. But after the age of 3, Chinese children begin to
rapidly outpace their American counterparts. Thus while a typical American 4-year-old
is still learning to count to 20, a typical Chinese 4-year-old is able to count
to 100 without difficulty.
difference in counting abilities has some profound effects. Thus, after just
two months of school, Chinese kindergartners are able to solve three times
as many arithmetic problems as their American counterparts (and this disparity
grows to nearly four times as many by the end of kindergarten). Studies of
Korean and Japanese children show similarly advanced capabilities in comparison
to children who grow up speaking English, Swedish, or French.
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differences in mathematical ability could be attributed to differing views on
education. But most researchers attribute this very early difference between
children who grow up speaking an Asian language and those who don't to the
language itself. When learning to count, Chinese-speaking and English-speaking
children must learn the names of numbers from 1 through 10. These names are ten
arbitrary words that give no hint of their relationship: It's not as easy as
one-two-three, but rather as difficult as yi-er-san. Both
Chinese-speaking and English-speaking children complete their learning of the
numbers from 1 to 10 between the ages of 2 and 3.
To count
past 10, an English-speaking child must master a new set of number words (collectively
referred to as the teen numbers): eleven, twelve, thirteen, and so on up
to nineteen. After these come the decade numbers: twenty, thirty, forty,
and so on. Thus, in order to count as high as 100, an English speaking child
must remember 27 different words, to be used in a very specific sequence. As a
result, mathematics standards in both common core states and non-common core
states only expect counting to twenty of their kindergartners.
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To be sure,
some of these words are related: there is a clear parallel between
“six-seven-eight,” “sixteen-seventeen-eighteen,” and “sixty-seventy-eighty.” But
this relationship may be more confusing than helpful, because when children
learn to write these numbers, the “six” of “sixteen” is the second digit
of the number (16), while the “six” of “sixty” is the first digit (60). Children
are like mathematicians: we're confused and frustrated by inconsistent rules.
In contrast,
the teen numbers in Chinese are shi yi (literally “ten one”), shi er (“ten
two”), shi san (“ten three”), and so on, and the decades are er shi (“two
tens”), san shi (“three tens”), and so on. A similarly regular system exists in Korean
and in Japanese.
While we
can't change our language, there's a good chance that your child will, on their
own, invent a number phrase like “ten and two.” Rather than correcting this
informal language, it's worth encouraging it: this leads to the say ten way
of expressing numbers (also known as keeping ten). In deference to the
grammarians, we omit “and” when giving number words: thus the teen numbers are
“ten one,” “ten two,” and so on up to “ten nine;” the decades are “two tens,”
“three tens,” “four tens,” and so on.
There are
several advantages to such a system. First, children make the transition from
counting on their fingers (which necessarily limits how high they can count) to
counting verbally only after they have mastered the number words. Chinese
children make this transition during preschool; English-speaking children
generally do so during first grade.
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Second, it eases the transition to writing
numbers: “four tens two” becomes “4 tens 2” and then “42,” while “forty-two”
too easily becomes “40-2” and then “402.” Finally, mental addition is far
easier: Compare “ten five plus ten is two tens five” to “fifteen plus ten is
One last
point worth making: You are your child's first teacher. Since children often
learn to count at home, it's worth introducing them to this form of counting as
soon as they begin to wonder about counting past ten. This lays a solid
foundation for later success in mathematics.