Jeff Suzuki teaches mathematics at Brooklyn College, and is one of the founders of the Mid-Hudson Valley Math Teachers Circle, a group of teachers, professors, and mathematics aficionados working to promote mathematics education in the Hudson Valley.
Dear Jeff, How will the
Common Core affect students with learning disabilities?
On Jan. 8,
2002, then-President Bush signed into law the “No Child Left Behind Act” (NCLB),
which mandated that school systems be held accountable for ensuring that all
children meet the same “challenging State academic content and student academic
achievement standards.”
regardless of whether a state uses the Common Core State Standards or some
local product, NCLB requires that all students, including those with learning
disabilities, meet those standards.
To see how
the Common Core might affect students with learning disabilities, let’s
consider multiplication. For decades, children learned multiplication by
memorizing facts like 7 × 6 = 42, and showed their mastery by how they
performed on timed practice drills.
But “drill
makes little, if any, contribution to growth in quantitative thinking by
supplying maturer ways of dealing with numbers.” This attack on drill comes not
from a supporter of the Common Core, but from a research study published in 1935!
One characteristic of the Common Core approach to mathematics education is an
emphasis on quantitative thinking with a goal of developing “maturer ways of
dealing with numbers.”
This is
accomplished through a focus on strategy instruction. Thus, rather than memorizing
7 × 6 = 42 and recalling it when necessary, students treat 7 × 6 as a problem
to be solved. This requires an understanding of what 7 × 6 means: in this case,
it is the sum of seven 6s. With this understanding, students can solve the
problem in a number of ways: for example, they might add seven 6s to get 42; or
they might remember from a previous lesson that six 6s is 36, so seven 6s is 36
+ 6 = 42; or they might remember that 7 × 3 = 21, so 7 × 6 is twice that: 42.
important question then becomes: Are students with learning disabilities better
off with memorization and drill, or strategy instruction?
particularly intriguing study, done in Washington state in 2004, looked at
fourth graders in a Washington state elementary school. The study included 15
students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in mathematics on the basis
of a diagnosed learning disability. The students were randomly assigned to one
of two intervention groups. In one, students were taught using a traditional,
drill-oriented curriculum. In the other, students were taught using an
integrated approach that combined strategy instruction with suitable drills. Both
groups were then tested on a variety of tasks.
First, both
groups of students did equally well on multiplication problems they had been
exposed to. However, the strategy-based group did significantly better at
applying their knowledge to new situations. Thus, while both groups of students
could answer questions like “What is 7 × 6?” with equal proficiency, the
strategy-based group could apply what they had been taught to solve related
problems like “What is 70 × 6?” or “Approximate 72 × 6” much more effectively
than the students using the traditional, drill-based curriculum. In effect, the
strategy-based approach better prepares students for the next level of
researchers report similar results: students with learning disabilities reach
comparable levels of performance, regardless of whether they are exposed to a
traditional curriculum or a strategy-based curriculum like that of the Common
Core. But students exposed to a strategy-based curriculum are better prepared
to continue their study of mathematics.
preparation for a continued study of mathematics is critical, for studies show
that the number and level of mathematics courses taken in school has a
significant positive impact on future earnings, even after socioeconomic status
and educational attainment are taken into account. Thus, if our only concern is
how well students do on standardized state tests, the curriculum itself makes
little difference. But if we want to prepare our children for life after
testing, the common core approach to mathematics gives them a better foundation
for their future.
Washington state study, “Developing Automaticity in Multiplication Facts:Integrating Strategy Instruction with Timed Practice Drills” (John Woodward, Learning
Disability Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Fall, 2006), pp. 269-289).
Another study comparing the effects of strategic instruction with appropriate
drills for learning disabled students is “The Effects of Strategic CountingInstruction, with and without Deliberate Practice, on Number Combination Skillamong Students with Mathematics Difficulties” (Lynn Fuchs, Sarah Powell, et al,
Learn Individ Differ. 2010 April 1; 20(2): 89–100).
Some insight
into the debate over the value of drill can be found in Brownell and Chazal's
“The Effects of Premature Drill in Third-Grade Arithmetic,” The Journal of
Educational Research, Vol. 29, No. 1 (Sep., 1935), pp. 17-28, which can be
found at
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