NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
You can help Protect Your Waters. One of the most effective ways we can all
help stop the spread of aquatic invasive species is by following proper
procedures for cleaning, draining, and drying watercraft and equipment every
time you leave the water. Want to see the simple steps for yourself? Check out
our Facebook Live videos on clean, drain, dry – Part 1 and Part 2.
Boat stewards check watercraft to ensure invasive species are not
transported to new waterbodies. Photo by Adirondack
Watershed Institute, Flickr
New York’s boat stewards are here to help you out too. Beginning
Memorial Day weekend, you’ll find them staffing launches and boat washing
stations across the state. If you’re near a boat washing station, they offer a
free and convenient way to make sure your watercraft is free of invasive
Aquatic invasive species can prevent us from enjoying our lakes
and rivers and can even harm native fish populations. This summer and always,
help us make sure they don’t stand a chance in New York. Can we count on you to
Clean, Drain, and Dry every time? Learn more about aquatic invasive species and
what else you can do to help prevent their spread on their website.
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