We have begun to experience the color changes throughout September and October. Great ideas to share with your kids as they see nature changing outside their windows
Autumn leaves change color due to the days growing shorter and colder. Plants slow down, and eventually stop producing the food necessary to maintain the green color, chlorophyll, which is the dominant color in leaves. As the levels of chlorophyll are depleted, the leaf cannot use all the sun's energy that hits it. Watch for the differences in colors in maples, oaks, or dogwoods near you.
Every Wednesday in the fall, check out the latest report for color change in NY. Areas like the Adirondacks and Catskills will experience peak colors during the last weeks of September through the beginning of October, while other regions may not see the best colors until late October.
There are plenty of ways to enjoy the cooler temps and nature’s fireworks show, while still following DEC and State Park’s guidelines for safe outdoor recreation.