Nicole Langlois of Highland spent six years in the military before starting to raise her family. After homeschooling her three daughters, she began a health coaching business that four-and-a-half years ago turned into One Epic Place, a coworking center in New Paltz that caters to business, wellness and creative professionals. As co-founder and CEO of the business, Langlois recently took time out of her never typical, busy day to answer questions that are sure to help other working moms.
HVP: What is the biggest challenge of having your own business?
Nicole: My biggest challenge is time. We have grown so quickly and organically and that has created a lot of growing pains. Sometimes there just isn't enough time in a day.
HVP: What is the biggest reward of having your own business?
N: I get to make a difference. I see how many people are impacted by what we do. We help change lives. We aren't just a shared rental space. We are a community that supports each other and offers resources, networking, coaching, education and so much more. It's incredibly rewarding and empowering at the same time.
HVP: What is one misconception you had when you started your business about how family life would integrate with your new work schedule?
N: I didn't think I would let the business take over but sometimes it did. It took some time and effort for that to work itself out.
HVP: How does your family support your endeavors?
N: My family is my rock. My husband is so supportive and made my transition of being a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to a very busy business owner, logistically and emotionally manageable.
My mom is also my right-hand woman. She is my biggest role model and proudest cheerleader. My daughters are incredibly supportive. They never make me feel bad about too much takeout or missing an activity. They are proud of me and encourage me to go after my dreams.
HVP: What would be your best advice for a mom like you?
N: Make sure you are clear on what success looks like to you. You need to know exactly what you want and what you are willing to do to get there.
HVP: What is the first step for a woman looking to start her own business?
N: Get support, do your homework, find a good coach and mentor and know what resources are available to you.