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Boost your teen’s immunity

Four key but simple steps to a healthier teen

teens, health, immunity, exercise

Teens seem to have a means of staying healthy no matter what, even in these tough pandemic days. But simply because of their more active lives and lack of skills at gauging what’s best for them, they’re still vulnerable to sickness. What’s the best means of helping them better withstand Covid-19 beyond masks, social distancing and handwashing? How about boosting their immune systems?’s Lifestyle site has come up with a list of key ways to ensure your teenagers are healthy enough, if needed.

1. First off, stress the need that they stay active for at least an hour each day. In addition to building strength, it lifts their moods. Even house cleaning and Tiktok dance challenges fit the bill.

2. Be strict with sleeping time. Teens need about 8-10 hours of sleep, on the average, every day to be at their best. Not getting enough sleep can lower their immune system. Help them keep a routine and make sure gadgets are off by bedtime.

3. Have them eat a balanced diet. No single food can prevent people from getting COVID-19 but eating a healthy balanced diet can help the immune system function better against viruses and diseases.

READ MORE: Power up with protein

4. Finally, help them BOOST their immune system with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and Zinc.

The best preparation is prevention, and vice versa.

These four key steps would probably work for us all.

Here is to keeping healthy!

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